The Voice In The Wilderness

The Voice in the Wilderness (a 501(c)3 registered non-profit) is dedicated to the spreading of the whole Gospel to the world, especially in foreign lands and operates by faith, daily trusting God to burden hearts to support financially. Standing on the King James Bible, it is our desire to help believers fulfill His commission of Gospel preaching, teaching, and reaching, through the New Testament church, whether in the United States or abroad.

Daily Podcast

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King James Bible Timeline

King James Translator Cards

This is the first card in the KJB Hall of Faith Collectors Series.
   Back: Includes brief history and tidbits of the King James Bible
   KJB Lapel pin can be attached to top right corner to make a presentation gift.

Book of Revelation Set

Five Volume Study Set

A verse-by-verse layman study of The Book of Revelation written by founder of The Voice in the Wilderness, Dr. J. Royce Thomason

Beyond Civilization/Jungle Methods

Written by Sophie Muller, missionary to the jungles of South America, detailing her successful efforts to evangelize the Indians; includes further details of accounts given in His Voice Shakes the Wilderness; The Jungle Methods section gives the outlines and methods which Sophie used to develop a written language and the lesson plans for teaching them to read the Bible.

Our 2024 Missions Update

From Reservation to Jungle ministry and work right here at home in the U.S.A, The Voice in the Wilderness has aided God’s people in Gospel witness around the world.

The prayers and partnership of ministry friends has reached into many unknown places and sent the salvation message using countless unique opportunities only the Lord could provide. Reaching, Preaching and Teaching for over seventy years equal a million Scriptures distributed, churches built, laymen taught, leaders encouraged, resources printed, and an untold number of lives changed for eternity. Your partnership with The Voice in the Wilderness makes an impact for Christ.