The Voice in the Wilderness Missionary to the World

Mark 1:3 "The Voice of one crying in the Wilderness. . . ."

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Hello GHC Participant:


Thank you for entering the "Christmas in July" Sweepstakes AND for clicking to learn more about The Constitution Defender.


We (Steve, Rebekah, AbiNoelle and AmiJoy Lilly) invite you to explore the website of The Voice in the Wilderness, which is the home for The Constititution Defender and all things Tweety-Pie and Junior Tutor.

The Voice in the Wilderness is celebrating its 70th year of missions ministry in 2023. The theme for all those years as been Contending for Fundamental Christianity and American Freedoms. As a family serving together in this missions ministry, we have produced a number of resources for the family, one of those being The Constitution Defender. Your prize package will include this fantastic resource along with seven other great items that all ages will enjoy! 

Below is a description of each item included in the "I LOVE AMERICAprize package along with links for other free resources and webpages where you can learn more!

From our family to yours, we encourage you to:

          Stay Alert and in the Bible AND Be a Constitution Defender!




The Constitution Defender - a full color, 32 page, infographic-style book teaching through all 7 Articles of the U.S. Constitution from a Biblical and Original Intent position. For free activity pages, videos, podcasts, endorsements and more information, click here.

The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier - a fictional story surrounding an American soldier who gave his life in France for freedom along with facts and pictures from World War I. For more information on this National Award-Winning book, click here. 

Truth or Myth - a book detailing the history of the Confederate battle flag along with the Revivals in the Confederate Camps

Hall of Faith Bible Memory Cards - Memorize a Bible verse while learning about great heroes of the faith. Tibits and Memorization techniques included on the back of each card.

Heritage Lapel Pin - a unique pin to show "wear" you stand. Includes the Christian flag, American flag, fish symbol, Star of David, and more

Angel with a Bushy Beard - the story of Major Gardener, how he survived a World War II prison camp, and served the poor in India

Selflessness, Sacrifice, Duty and Honor - the Story of Butch O'Hare (The Chicago O'Hare Airport) and the connection with Al Capone

What matters? Christian Testimonies of Black Lives - Four biographies of great Americans who made a difference for eternity

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