The Voice in the Wilderness Missionary to the World

Mark 1:3 "The Voice of one crying in the Wilderness. . . ."

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... My giggles were smothered in his hugs, but the day he left, it was all tearful eyes and lots of good-byes .... Then it came. Papa got the newspaper and read the headline ...


Experience each personal moment with Ellie as she faces the challenges of living through 
World War I while awaiting news of her soldier-brother on the battlefield in France. 
You will walk the steps to the Memorial Amphitheater with her and glimpse the honor given to one who gave all for freedom and homeland, and with every click and tap, you will feel the sacred calling of the sentinel as he guards those hallowed grounds. 
Then join Tweety-Pie for a unique pictorial tour of Arlington National Cemetery, learn the facts surrounding the selection of the Unknown Soldier, his transport, and burial at Arlington, and discover the sacrifice given by so many for our great country. 

 Free Activity Pages


Download a free, printable page of the

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Download a free, printable page

activity about Veterans.



 Read the account of WWII veteran

(founder of The Voice in the Wilderness),

Dr. James Royce Thomason.

 Veteran's Emphasis

Printable Activity Page



 Click below to donate and request your copy of Tomb of the Unknown Soldier


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