Mark 1:3 "The Voice of one crying in the Wilderness. . . ."
Jesus asks this penetrating question: “What think ye of Christ?” The religious leaders of His day have tried to entangle Jesus by asking questions about taxes, marriage, death, the resurrection and the greatest commandment in the Law. Yet Christ asked them, “Who is Lord?” and these pious, know-it-alls, are utterly confounded.
It may even stagger many Christians to realize how closely tied money, marriage, and the Messiah’s message are to our daily lives. This ungodly world cannot understand God’s perfect plan; and with great effort, rejects Biblical teaching concerning marriage and the family. Unregenerate man, and sadly, some professed believers think they know more than God. The devastating result is heartbreaking consequences and ruined lives.
We will start with “ladies first” titling this section “First Lady For Christ.” Many religions of this world treat women as second-class citizens or less. But the Bible sets forth the worth and honour of the Proverbs 31 lady.
“Who can find a Virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies.” Matthew Henry states, “This description of the virtuous woman is designed to show what wives the woman should make and what wives the men should choose….We have the abridgement of it in the New Testament (I Tim. 2:9,10; I Pe.3:1-6), where the duty prescribed to wives agrees with this description of a good wife.”
Please read Proverbs 31:10-31
For wives, mothers, and all young ladies in Christ, let us challenge you to be First Ladies For Christ. Here is an acrostic using the word F-I-R-S-T to describe the virtuous woman of Proverbs 31:
F aith – A VIRTUOUS woman – a woman of strength made so by her faith and fear in the mercy, love, grace, and wisdom of her righteous and Holy God.
I ntegrity – A VIRTUOUS woman – a woman of holiness and wholeness, fixed and firm in honesty.
R econciliation – A VIRTUOUS woman – a woman reconciled to God with the ministry of reconciliation in the husband, home, and hearts of those around her.
S tewardship – A VIRTUOUS woman – a woman of industry well able to furnish her household.
T rust – A VIRTUOUS woman – a woman called blessed by her children, a woman trusted and praised by her husband.
In American history, the U.S. president’s wife was not referred to as the “First Lady” until Zachary Taylor used the term in reference to Dolley Madison. Within a decade of Zachary Taylor’s 1849 eulogy, “First Lady,” had become the standard title of the president’s wife.
Beginning with Martha Washington, many of the president’s wives set forth an example of dignity and grace in their role as a leader. Though a very private person, she understood the pressures of this very public role. With her aristocratic Virginia roots, Martha Washington was criticized as too “royal” by some Americans wary of all things British. “At the same time, she was decried as too common by those who feared that her habits of recycling old gowns and of retiring early during receptions might confirm the suspicions of the world that America was an uncivilized wilderness. But to all who visited the president’s house—in New York City or later in Philadelphia—Lady Washington was the model of grace and propriety; eventually these qualities won her the affection and respect of all America.” Ref. First Ladies of the White House by Skarmeas, page 5.
Sarah Polk and her husband brought to the White House a marriage that was a true partnership. She often told friends that she believed that she and her husband were predestined by God to lead America. Upon arriving to the White House, Sarah immediately made her presence felt. Believing that dancing in the White House rooms would be undignified; she banned all dancing, card playing, and drinking. When the “First Lady” entered the room during her husband’s inaugural ball, the music and dancing ceased in her honor. Known to possess a balance of ego and humility, she used her leadership role while insisting, “I recognize nothing in myself; I am only an atom in the hands of God.” Ref. First Ladies of the White House, Skarmeas, page 23.
Lucy Hayes, mocked in the press as “Lemonade Lucy,” immediately established a White House policy banning alcohol at all receptions. She resisted all efforts by the temperance movement to become part of their leadership and maintained a firm belief that hers was essentially a private role in a public setting. She was the first “First Lady” to hold a college degree. She had the education, resources, and opportunity to make the role of “First Lady” an active, independent, and powerful one. However, Lucy focused on her family responsibilities and her husband. While not totally shunning public duties, she was the first president’s wife to travel without her husband and to deliver prepared speeches. Lucy also took an active role as president of the Women’s Missionary Society at her church during her husband’s presidency. Ref. First Ladies of the White House by Skarmeas, page 36
In Titus 2:3 the mature lady in Christ is exhorted to be an example and teacher of “good things” to the younger women in Christ. Today the life support system has been removed, and death is eminent for many. The departure from the Biblical model by so many women in our church today has left us vulnerable. So-called “Women’s Liberation” and the farming out of our God-given privileges and responsibilities have thrown our children to the ravening wolves. What has happened to the heart of mothers who no longer want to teach and train and love their children with the kind of affection that should be obvious to the woman in Christ?
An infant crying in the night:
An infant crying for the light:
And with no language but a cry. Tennyson
Yet ‘tis mother and without sigh
Knows the language of her baby’s cry.
And in the day or in the night
‘tis her love that brings comfort and delight.
No wonder our families, children, and marriages are out of control. The very stabilizing element so critical to the home has been eroded. Without these godly women actively engaged in their Biblical role, Titus says the Word of God will be blasphemed
(Titus 2:5).
Thank the Lord for godly ladies who courageously stand firm in this age of compromise! Those today who are characterized by Titus 2:3-5 are indeed to be praised (Proverbs 31:28). Thou excellest them all.
My Helpmeet
The privilege our Lord has given me of overseeing this ministry, preaching, writing, and sharing the needs of precious missionaries with The Voice in the Wilderness supporters is indeed sobering. Without the help of the First Lady of The Voice in the Wilderness, my bride of 39 years, it would not be possible. My Lord knew and prepared my life and ministry helpmeet. On May 6 of each year we celebrate our wedding anniversary. This is of certainty a spiritual partnership. All across the U.S., from Florida to Maine, from North Carolina to California, Texas to Alaska, even seven Canadian provinces and territories and across the seas to England, India, and Venezuela, my wife has accompanied her preacher-man. She has been there faithfully making the difference. Though never owning a home, she has made rentals and trailers beautiful, clean, and comfortable places for her family. She is my Proverbs 31 lady.
My Love, My Wife
If I were an artist with palette and paint,
I would dip my brush into the colors of
Proverbs 31 and upon the canvas of my
heart create the portrait of my wife.
It I were a gardener with a certain green thumb,
who grew a prize rose…from the fertile soil
of Proverbs 31 would grow my treasured
rose and winner of the blue ribbon and golden spade.
If I were a composer of song, I would sing the
sweet melodies of Proverbs 31 in honour of my
partner and wife who is the harmony line of life.
If I were a poet with pen in hand,
I would write from Proverbs 31 a sonnet of love to mine.
If I were a sculptor, I would quarry from among the gems
of Proverbs 31 a work in her honour far above rubies.
As her husband, friend and one for life,
I praise her and rise up to call my wife Blessed! RLW
Amid all the responsibilities, time must be taken to praise and say thank you to my wife, the First Lady of The Voice in the Wilderness. Nobody knows, but possibly the Lord and me, how many hours she has willingly given to this ministry. Thank you Terry – from my heart! And so it is with preachers and missionaries around the world blessed with God’s helpmeet. These faithful ladies have set the standard. May God give us more First Ladies for Christ.